Elite AgentTECH + SOCIAL

Work it: Making the most of the content you create

One of the best ways to get noticed as an agent is to create content relevant to your market. Social media is a powerful platform where you can engage your prospects and customers across several channels, distributing your content far and wide. While there are plenty of social platforms to consider, the good news is you don’t need to create something new every time, just a few tweaks may do the job. Here are some tips to get more clicks, likes and shares on various different platforms with the same piece of content.

Think about it, you have spent considerable time researching a topic for a blog post and have written something informative and well-thought out. You have hit the publish button and now share it to the widest possible audience. Here are some tips and tricks to do just that.

Pin it!

Your blog post should ideally contain a high-quality photo which you can turn into a pin. Pin your image and a sentence that encompasses what your blogpost is all about to your Pinterest board, and set the course link to reach your blog. You can also share this photo on Facebook and Google+, adding the key points from the original post. Don’t forget about including links back to your pin and your blog for cross- promotion.

Identify a compelling quote and use Instagram

Pick a quote from your article, combine this with a picture and post to Instagram. You don’t need to know sophisticated photo editing software out there, there are plenty of iPhone apps that will do the job out there as well as some web based tools. Then share your finished product on platforms such as Instagram (with some appropriately searchable hashtags of course!)

Reuse your picture-quote after a while

Just because you have used the picture-quote once, it doesn’t mean you can’t use it again. Don’t share the same thing on every social network all at once, wait a few days/weeks and then use the same picture-quote on sites like Facebook, Twitter and Google+ along with a link to your blog posts. If you space it out like this, different audiences will see your content at different times.

Use tips from the blog posts as tweets that you can add over time

Short bursts of activity is better than one chunk of activity on one day and then nothing for a month. If your blog post is full of property selling tips, use these one by one. Keep your tweets under 120 characters if you want them to be retweeted. Tweets with the last couple of words cut off don’t have enough impact. You can also re-share your tweets over time.

Turn your key points into a presentation

Identify and summarise your main points from your blog post along with a couple of key quotations and turn them into a presentation. You can get visuals from the different Creative Commons-licensed images on sites like Flickr, Morguefile, and Compfight. Your ready presentation is then ready to share on SlideShare, and your slides can also be pinned on to Pinterest.

Expand a topic from your post

It you have written a multi-topic blog post, ungroup it, pick one topic from there and start writing in greater detail about it. This allows you to focus on creating dramatically different content that is interesting in its own right.

Regroup and reorder your content

From the social media content that you have already written, pick a topic and rearrange its current flow to create something that appears new. This could mean either taking specific sections in the original piece and integrating them as new topic sections or creating a different order for content to incorporate into the new piece.

Launch your rewrite with headings from the original content

The best way to pick up on traction from an original post that has done well, is to launch a rewritten topics that uses headings from the original content. The section headers from your pre-existing social media content act as a great insight to creating new topics that are related to the previously used sections.

Infuse your content with current news

Freshen your content up substantially by infusing it with a current news story or up-to-date issues. Through this kind of reworking, you are providing a brand new introduction for your older social media content. Given the current environment or the news piece in question, you can suggest new points to emphasise on and offer friends and followers new topics to focus on.

This post is sponsored by Sold Training – providing online CPD training courses for NSW Agents. If you are keen to learn more about networking, PR and Social Media for Real Estate Industry Professionals, click here.

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